
How To Store Magic Mushrooms and Magic Truffles for a Long Time?

How To Store Magic Mushrooms and Magic Truffles for a Long Time?How To Store Magic Mushrooms and Magic Truffles for a Long Time? Mushrooms and truffles can be eaten either fresh or dried, the main difference between the two, apart from the very different intake amounts due to the water contained in the fresh ones, being the shelf life. Fresh mushrooms last only a few days if they are kept in the refrigerator, while fresh truffles last up to a maximum of 2 months if kept in a vacuum in the refrigerator, but often the actual storage time is shorter, about a month or less. how to store magic mushrooms

Sometimes you have fresh mushrooms or truffles and at the same time you have time to consume them immediately, but in most cases you harvest them when they are ripe and then consume them when the conditions are right, i.e. optimal set & setting. Fortunately, it is easy to store them for a long time so you can have them when you want, drying is the only method we need to know, it is simple and effective to keep them psychoactive without significant loss of potency, a method used for millennia and still valid today. shrooms and magic truffles

fungo acqua

Three necessary pieces of information

The first and most important information to know is that psilocybe mushrooms do not dry in the sun like tomatoes! The sun is a powerful oxidant, think of the Goji berries that grow in the sun on the Tibetan highlands, they are naturally rich in antioxidants – which we benefit from by taking them – precisely because they need to defend themselves from the sun’s rays made more powerful and destructive by the rarefied air at those high altitudes, on average more than 4,500 metres above sea level. Mushrooms do not grow in direct sunlight, remember this, they are not like other fruits that need the sun instead. If you dry them in the sun, they oxidise and the active ingredient degrades, so avoid this carefully. This also applies to truffles, it is easier to imagine since they grow underground.

The second important piece of information is the water content in mushrooms and truffles, which drying must eliminate completely. If the product remains moist, even a little, the psychoactive principle will degrade in a short time.

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